Clearly the Cook County jury that decided the Crowley case found it fairly easy to determine where the truth lay. Another lawsuit was filed against Wayne Watson and other university officials by Willie Preston and Brittany Bailey in 2014, Wogan called their allegations “categorically untrue.” While the Crowley case resulted in a $3 million judgement against Wayne Watson and Chicago State, the other two suits are currently in litigation. Meeks is clearly a disgruntled former employee. In its response to Glenn Meeks 2014 complaint against the university and Wayne Watson, Tom Wogan called the allegations “baseless. In the 2010 James Crowley lawsuit against Wayne Watson and Chicago State, Patrick Cage called Crowley’s allegations “unfounded,” and the lawsuit “meritless.” Translation: Crowley was lying. The distortions evident on the school’s website are mirrored by the somewhat predictable and repetitive public pronouncements from various university spokespersons. Instead, the résumés of key personnel are misrepresented and another administrator whose employment ended fourteen months ago continued to appear as a key administrative employee long after his separation from the university. Henderson served as Provost, Dean, Department Chair and tenured Professor at various institutions of higher education.” The disinformation on the website gives the impression of a real university administration. Angela Henderson’s recently abbreviated biographical sketch contains the ridiculous assertion (twice) that “Prior to joining CSU, Dr. Instead, she received a Doctor of Management from the University of Phoenix. Napoleon Moses, gone from the university since May 2013, appeared as the “Chief of Staff” until at least March or April of this year. In this post, I will discuss the most glaring examples of administrative perfidy.īeginning with the university’s website, distortions and lies are standard administrative rhetorical fare.
That these exposures have spurred no one to make the hard decisions about the school’s leadership does not mean that our efforts will cease. Contributors to this forum have successfully endeavored to expose to the light some of the most egregious practices of the Watson cabal. His supporters and stooges spin a narrative of competence that bears no close inspection. Just as the March 2013 political circus was more style than substance, the Watson administration’s “brand” is built upon a foundation of distortions, elisions, omissions and downright falsehoods. That kind of political support, evident in March 2013 clearly enabled Watson to avoid a well-earned dismissal. Over a sycophantic three-plus decade career as a second-rate Chicago political hack, Watson has generated enough political support to enable him to damage not one, but two institutions of higher learning. How do they retain their power? One answer might be simple politics.

Given the dire condition of the university today, one might wonder how Watson and his minions do it. In Springfield, the governor does nothing at all about the situation at Chicago State, in marked contrast to his past muscular intervention into the affairs of the University of Illinois. The persons responsible for oversight of this wretched gang of incompetents do nothing but mouth platitudes about believing in Wayne Watson’s “vision,” while enrollment plummets and Watson and his gang shred the school’s academic reputation.

“Be bad, but at least don't be a liar, a deceiver!” Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, 235.Īs chronicled on the pages of this blog, the crony-infested administration of Chicago State University has done incalculable damage to the school.